Right Ordered Life: Faith, Family and Purpose

Feeling Overwhelmed? Here’s Why Overwhelm Is a GOOD Thing.

Stacy Santiago Episode 45

Feeling overwhelmed is something you either detest or have come to tolerate as your normal daily life.

I spent many years shackled to overwhelm like a ball and chain. I wanted to escape it but didn’t know how or why I was stuck chained to it. Now that I’m in a place of peace and right order, overwhelm is like an old scruffy friend that pops up and actually helps me. Sounds weird right?

Tune in so you can flip overwhelm upside down and have the power to view it not as the enemy you detest, but the helper you’re grateful for. That’s coming up…

The 2 game-changing ways overwhelm is a GOOD thing.
* How to leverage overwhelm as a signal that something isn’t right.
* The key questions you need to ask yourself so you can shift out of overwhelm into your natural window of peace that God designed for you.

-> Talk with Stacy

Women everywhere tell me they don’t have enough time, are exhausted trying to get all the things done well, and feel like they’re failing in multiple areas of their life. The struggle is real, but it doesn’t have to be...

If you want to wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed, feel God's love for you, calmly handle any situation like Yoda, and free up “me time” in your schedule, click here to book your free call with me. I can’t wait to get to know you and help you escape overwhelm, find peace with life's demands, and have joy in a simplified life. Your time is valuable so we’ll do nothing less than blow your mind and set you in the right direction.

WARNING: Right Ordered Life Coaching may cause feelings of freedom, achievement, cleverness, and empowerment. You will experience major relief, renewed energy and lightheartedness which may cause people around you to wonder what you’re smoking. If any of these effects occur, continue coaching with Stacy Santiago who will prescribe treatment to enhance these effects.

-> Talk with Stacy